The Beautiful Breastfeeding Program is made up of 4 hours of face to face tuition, when you choose to join the Beautiful Breastfeeding Program, you’ll gain access to the Thompson Method Program, all of the bonus program videos PLUS membership to the Breastfeeding Club for guidance and support for L.I.F.E. Empower yourself with gentle, evidence based breastfeeding education with Deb, a certified Thompson Method Breastfeeding Educator, so that you are in control of your birth and breastfeeding journey. And the best time to do this, is during pregnancy.
Session 1
Creating your Birth Plan, using the Thompson Method Birth Plan Template
What is the APGAR Score (plus a PDF Download)
Induction of Labour (and the possible implications with breastfeeding)
Routine vaginal examinations
The Cascade of Intervention
Is it necessary to collect colostrum?
session 2
The 3 Golden Hours
Your baby’s first breastfeed
The first 72 – 96 hours
How breast milk is established
The first 72 – 96 hours (clarification)
The fear of low weight gain (Babies Weight gain)
Unexpected Situations
What happens if you don’t get your 3 Golden Hours?
Dealing with Mother Baby separation
The sleepy baby
session 3
Sustaining breastfeeding, once your milk volume has peaked
The importance of feeding from both breasts each feed
Why is the rest and digest period so important?
How long is the rest and digest period?
The implications of frequent feeding
The crying, unsettled baby
Implications of introducing oral devices, such as nipple shields, bottles & teats
session 4
Avoiding Painful Nipple Trauma
Preventing nipple pain in the first 72 hours
Why the cross cradle technique should be avoided
A preferable way to gently cradle your baby
Face to Breast Symmetry
Face to Breast Symmetry
Fine Tuning to overcome nipple pain
The Lipstick shaped nipple
Phenomenon of tongue frenotomy (commonly referred to as tongue tie)